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How to properly clean your garage door
Cleaning your garage door is a necessary but often overlooked task. Not only does a clean garage door make your home look nicer, it also helps to protect the door so it lasts longer. In this article, we will discuss how to clean your garage door properly to achieve the best results. Why Should...

Question mark
You had a bad start to your day and your kids just won’t listen. You’ve already lost your keys twice, and now you’re late to work. Then, all of a sudden you’ve run into your garage door. Don’t panic! We are going to give you some advice on the steps you should take once...

Broken garage door
Replacing a garage door is a big decision. It’s not only expensive, but it also takes a lot of time and effort to pick out the one you want, and hire someone to do it. So before you decide to replace your garage door, you need to ask yourself a few questions. What’s wrong...

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When people try to break into houses, they usually go for the front or back doors first. If these aren’t accessible, the garage is the next option. Even if the garage doesn’t lead into the house, you more than likely have something of value in your garage that thieves could run off with. If...

Garage door problems and how to fix them
Leveling a garage door is a job that requires skill and experience. Doing this task yourself could turn a small easy fix into a complete door replacement if you’re not careful. Fixing an unlevel door will help prevent damage to your door or opener system. Leveling your garage door will ensure that your system...